Salesforce Implementation

Salesforce is a feature rich application and its functionality ‘out of the box’ is generally more than sufficient for most businesses and their CRM requirements.

However, there are almost limitless opportunities to build upon the standard functionality or extend the system to other business units and tasks to create an entirely bespoke solution, well beyond the capabilities of most other CRM systems.

Whether you just need to add a few custom fields to existing screens and entities or you need a completely new custom application built, our Salesforce application development services can be used to deliver any size of project and enhance your system.

Salesforce has the capability to be much more than a CRM solution. With the flexibility of Salesforce and the platform to connect data between other core business systems and the 3,000+ third-party applications available to you via the Salesforce AppExchange, we can help you eliminate silos of information and integrate the CRM seamlessly into every area of your business.

In fact, many clients now run their entire business on Salesforce!

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Find out more about our Development & Integration

Find out more about our Development & Integration

As you use Salesforce you may realise that simple point and click customisation isn’t sufficient and doesn’t cover all your business process automation needs.

Xenogenix have the Salesforce development capabilities to create entirely new, custom built applications that deliver advanced automation and expand the functionality of your existing Salesforce solution.

We can create bespoke applications that provide the same look and feel and easy to use functionality of the Salesforce CRM platform, using

Some Examples of our Custom Salesforce Development Solutions


Xenogenix Custom Development Solution

Site Access Portal

The requirement was to produce a portal where contractors could log in and manage their requests to go onto remote sites. The solution had to support Site Access, Worker details, document uploads and image viewing and be fully integrated with Salesforce.

Using the Customer Communities feature of Salesforce, the Site Access Portal uses Visualforce to deliver a step by step wizard that leads the user through the process of selecting a site, logging details of the dates and reason for access, adding the workers that will be going on site and also uploading important documentation for Health and Safety purposes. The Requests are logged and managed as Cases in Salesforce.

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Xenogenix Custom Development Solution

Availability Checker

The client needed to be able to see a list of properties and their availability over a period of time and to select one or more to offer to the client. The application had to work on both Salesforce Desktop and Mobile interface.

A new object was created to help capture property availability and cost. We then created Visualforce pages, for desktop and Salesforce 1, to view the availability over a given period and what had already been offered. From here the user would select the slots that they would like to offer to the client before sending the selection to them with the cost of each option.

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Xenogenix Custom Development Solution

Invoicing Automation

The requirement was to automate the invoicing process on the first of the month. A customer could have several active orders that all need to be summarised into one monthly invoice for the customer.

We created a Visualforce page that would be opened from the Order. Once open it would only show the One-Off chargeable items, in this page the user has the option to select which of the line item’s need to be invoiced or to create a new Invoice Line item. A batch process then runs for each active customer account to find all recurring Order Items and create a single monthly invoice. The automated invoice is then sent.


Xenogenix Custom Development Solution

Product Development Insights and Sales Productivity Application

The customer needed a solution to reduce a drawn out sales call process by providing the sales users with product information faster. In addition, the solution needed to deliver insight into operational holdups relating to product development.

We developed a bespoke application to bring product development data into Salesforce and provide visibility to sales around product lifecycles and availability, allowing them to adopt guided selling. The output led to smarter design and planning of their FinTech solutions and quicker revenue realisation based on real time data.

Salesforce Integration Opportunities

Xenogenix can help you integrate Salesforce with other key systems to streamline business processes, increase efficiency and improve the flow of information across your organisation.

We can help you eliminate ‘silos of information’ enabling you to quickly and effectively share data between systems, making data visible, accurate and up-to-date wherever it is accessed by your users.

Using the cloud-based Salesforce and the platform dramatically reduces the time, cost and risk previously associated with systems integration.

Some Examples of our Custom Integration Projects

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Xenogenix Custom Integration

Website Store Integration

Our clients requirement was to integrate the enquiry and order forms from their website with Salesforce, on a very limited budget. Once the form is submitted all details are captured in Salesforce and processed.

We used standard Web-to-Lead HTML script to capture and submit the details into Salesforce. Once the data is captured it is checked and an order is created. If the conditions are met, the lead, that was created via the Web-to-lead form will be deleted to avoid duplicates.

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Xenogenix Custom Integration

Telephony Integration

Our client needed to connect a Telephony system with an Open CTI (Computer Telephony Integration) to Salesforce, enabling click-to-dial and screen popups when inbound calls are received.

Salesforce Consoles were used to provide an easy way to make and receive phone calls whilst working on multiple records at the same time. A softphone was also created to allow users the ability to see information about the number phoning in, if a match could be found in Salesforce. New Leads or Cases could also be created from the softphone and once the call had ended a Task is created and saved against the record in Salesforce.


Xenogenix Custom Integration

Legacy Systems

Our client needed a solution bring data into Salesforce from an existing ERP system that would provide the Sales Team with up to date information about actual orders received from their customers. The solution also had to be very low cost.

As part of the Salesforce implementation, we used Jitterbit Data Loader to automatically upload Order information from the ERP system each day. The order information is automatically attached to the appropriate Account and Opportunity when uploaded and custom code closes the Opportunity automatically, saving the Sales people time and effort while providing up to date information. The Order information is then included in the Sales Dashboards as part of the KPI reporting.


Xenogenix Custom Integration

Live Chat

The requirement was to allow customers the ability to start a Live Chat with an agent to be dealt with as fast as possible. This could be for new or existing customer across both parts of the business in 3 countries on 3 continents. To improve customer service and improve sales experience for the customer.

Salesforce Live Chat was configured to ensure that the button on the website would be activated when agents are available to accept chat requests. Requests are routed to agents based on skills required, location and available/workload. The chat transactions are then saved against the Lead/Contact and/or Case once the session ends.

Salesforce Partner Since 2007
Reasons To Use A Managed Service

5 reasons to use a Salesforce Managed Service

Compiled by our Salesforce consultants and filled info on how your business could benefit from using a Salesforce Managed Service to support your org.

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If you’re considering CRM, custom development or you just want more information, we’re happy to answer all your questions and get you set up. Simply fill out the form, or for immediate assistance, call us on 08456 525 625

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